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The Queen of the Savannah: A Story of the Mexican War Page 7
The Queen of the Savannah: A Story of the Mexican War Read online
Page 7
American forests, when night sets in, assume a character of grandeurand majesty, of which our European forests cannot supply an idea. Theaged trees, which grow more than one hundred feet in height, and whosetufted crests form splendid arches of foliage, the lianas which spreadin every direction with the strangest parabolas, the moss, calledSpaniard's beard, which hangs in long festoons from all the branches,impart to these vast solitudes an aspect at once grand and mysterious,which leads the mind to reverie and fills it with religious andmelancholy thoughts.
When the sun has disappeared and made way for darkness, when the nightbreeze murmurs in the foliage, and the hollow sound of some unknownrivulet coursing over the gravel, is blended with the myriad indistinctnoises of the insects hidden in the crevices of the trees and rocks;when the wild beasts, awaking at nightfall, leave their secret densto proceed to their watering places, uttering at intervals hoarseyells--the forests in the pale moonbeams, which filter timidly throughthe branches, really become to the man who ventures into them the grandlaboratory in which nature likes to assay in gloom and mystery the mostpowerful and strangest of her productions.
There are accumulated, beneath the detritus piled up by centuries, theshapeless and yet imposing ruins of generations which have disappearedand left no sign; remnants of walls, pyramids, and obelisks rise attimes before the startled eyes of the Indian or the hunter, as if toreveal to them that in times perhaps contemporary with the deluge, apowerful nation, now utterly effaced from the world, existed at thisspot. Those who obstinately call America the New World, and deny theexistence of the ruins with which this fertile soil is broadcast, havetraversed this country like blind men, and have neither visited thesplendid ruins of the Palenques, nor those which may be found at everystep in the desert, by means of which some travellers have succeededin settling the route followed by the migrations of the peoples thatsucceeded each other. The province of Coahuila in Mexico possessesseveral of these remains of great antiquity, which recall by theirshape, and the way in which they are constructed, the _dolmens_ and_menhirs_ of old America.
The travellers had established their camp in a vast clearing, in thecentre of which was a gigantic monolith obelisk, so singularly placedon a block of stone that the slightest touch sufficed to give it amarked oscillating movement. This spot had a singular name, whoseorigin no one could have accounted for; the people of the countrycalled it _Coatetl_, that is to say the home of the snake. This name,by the way, is found very frequently in Mexico, whose aborigines had agreat respect for the snake, in consequence of their first legislatorQuetzaltcoatl, that is to say, the "serpent covered with feathers."
The clearing, which Indians and peons avoided with a respect mingledwith terror, was said to be haunted. An ancient tradition, greatly infavour with the people, declared that at certain periods of the year,at the new moon, and when any great event was about to be accomplished,the stone, raised at its base by some mysterious power, affordedpassage to a monstrous snake, which, after sitting up there on itstail with an angry hiss, suddenly assumed the appearance and form of afemale, dressed in a white winding sheet, who walked round the clearingtill daylight, uttering shrieks and writhing her arms with all themarks of the most profound despair; then, as the moon became more deepon the horizon, the apparition gradually became less distinct, andentirely disappeared at daybreak. The stone then resumed its place,and all returned to its natural state. At times, but very rarely, theapparition spoke; but woe to the man whose ear the words reached; hewould certainly die within the year, and his end was almost alwaysmiserable.
Probably the travellers bivouacked at this moment in the clearing wereignorant of this legend, or, if acquainted with it, their education ortheir strength of character protected them from such vulgar belief.Had it not been so, they would not have ventured to spend the nightat a spot of such suspicious reputation. However this may be, thetravellers whom chance had so singularly brought together did honour tothe improvised repast, like men who, little accustomed to good dinners,recognized all their merits. When they had finished eating they turnedtheir backs to the fire, so that the flames might not prevent theirwatching the neighbourhood, and lighting their pipes and cigarettesbegan smoking the Indian _moriche_, the only tobacco they had at theirservice at the moment. There was a lengthened silence, during whichthe guests enjoyed their smoke, and Don Aurelio was the first whosecigarette was consumed. As he rolled another he said to the two woodrangers--
"You are foreigners, I think you said?"
The Canadians nodded an affirmative, probably not considering that anyother answer was required.
"And have not been long in Mexico?" Don Aurelio continued.
"No," the Sumach answered, laconically.
"Ah!" the Mexican continued, not allowing himself to be discouraged bythe uninviting way in which the hunters answered him. "Ours is a famouscountry at present for brave men; it is easy to make a fortune withoutmuch outlay."
"Well," Moonshine answered with a crafty look, "not quite so easy asyou fancy. Here is my comrade, who is certainly a plucky fellow, andwho perhaps knows his trade better than most people, and yet he has notfound anything to suit him."
"He probably applied to persons who did not understand him."
"Perhaps so, perhaps not," the Sumach said, shaking his headdoubtfully; "or perhaps I asked too high a price."
"What! Too high a price?" Don Aurelio exclaimed; "I do not understand."
"What use is it wasting time in explaining it to you, as it is notlikely we shall have a deal together?"
"Who knows? Tell me, at any rate. We are going to a meeting of veryrich caballeros, and expect to join them in the morning. Let me knowyour demands, which I will lay before them; and if they are not toohigh, they may probably deal with you."
"Nonsense, why tell them to you?" the adventurer continued carelessly."It will be time enough tomorrow for us to have an explanation with thegentlemen to whom you refer."
"As you please, I have no wish to force myself on your confidence."
"I intend to do so; but listen to me. Give me your word of honour thatif we do not come to terms I shall be at liberty to go wherever Iplease, without any fear for my safety or my life."
"I pledge you my word of honour," Don Aurelio said quickly; "you cantrust to me."
"I do so with the more confidence," the adventurer remarked with alaugh; "because if a hair of my head fell, it would cost you much moredearly than you imagine."
"What do you mean?"
"Enough that I know it," the Sumach said with a crafty smile; "we haveno need to enter into further details."
"Why play fast and loose with this caballero?" Moonshine observed; "Hisintentions are good. I see no harm in your being frank with him."
"Nonsense," the adventurer said, with a shrug of his shoulders. "Let mealone, Moonshine; least said is soonest mended. In that way, we shallsee if we can have confidence in the word of a Spaniard."
"Of a Mexican you mean," Don Aurelio interrupted him with some vivacity.
"Well, a Mexican; it is of little consequence, though the differenceappears to me very slight."
"That is possible, but to me it is enormous."
"As you please," the adventurer answered carelessly. "I have not theslightest wish to argue with you--the more so, that you must know moreabout the matter than I do."
"In one word," Don Aurelio continued, "do you accept the proposition Imade you to accompany me tomorrow to the hacienda, where the leaders ofthe revolutionary party are going to assemble, and may I rely on yourword?"
"Yes, if I may rely on yours."
"I gave it to you. Here is my hand, you can take it without fear; it isthat of a man of honour, and a friend."
The two Canadians cordially pressed the hand so frankly offered.
"That is settled," Moonshine said, as he shook the ashes of his pipeout on his thumb nail, and then passed the stem through his belt."Now that is all a
rranged between us, if you will take my advice wewill have a sleep. The night is getting on, and we must be mounted bysunrise."
No one opposed this proposition, which, on the contrary, wasunanimously accepted; for all of them being fatigued with riding forthe whole day along impracticable roads, had great need of rest. Eachwrapped himself carefully up in his zarape, and lay down on the grasswith his feet to the fire. Moonshine threw a few handfuls of dry woodinto the flames, and resting his back against the base of the obelisk,placed his rifle between his legs, and prepared to guard the slumbersof his companions.
Don Aurelio had to oppose this, asserting that it was his duty to keepthe first guard; but the Canadian insisted so strongly that the Mexicanat length gave way, on the express condition of taking his place sosoon as he felt sleep weighing his eyelids down. Moonshine, therefore,was soon the only person awake in the camp.
The night was calm and sultry; the atmosphere impregnated by thefragrant emanations from the ground, and refreshed by a wayward breezewhich sported through the branches, and made them gently rustle, formeda light haze through which the white moonbeams capriciously filtered.The will-o'-the-wisps danced over the points of the grass, and a dull,continuous murmur which resembled the breathing of nature, and seemedto have no apparent cause, was mingled with the indistinct sounds ofthe solitude. The dark blue sky, studded with a profusion of dazzlingstars, spread out like a diamond dome over this grand scenery, to whichit imparted a fairylike aspect.
The hunter, leaning against the base of the obelisk, with his armscrossed on the barrel of his rifle which was resting between his legs,yielded to the pleasure which this splendid night caused him. With hiseyes half closed, and assailed by a sleepiness which he only combatedwith difficulty, his ideas were beginning to lose their lucidity, hisbrain was growing confused, and the moment was at hand when sleep woulddefinitively close his eyelids, which he could only succeed in keepingopen by long and painful efforts.
How long he was plunged in this reverie, which has no name in anylanguage, but which causes an infinite pleasure, he could not havesaid. All was confused before his half-closed eyes, and he could onlyperceive surrounding objects through a prism which transformed thelandscape. Suddenly the hoarse croak of the owl was repeated severaltimes with a force which made the hunter give a mighty start. He openedhis eyes, shook off the lethargy that weighed upon him, and lookedanxiously around him. All at once he started, rubbed his eyes as if toexpel the last remains of sleep, and with a movement swift as thought,raised his rifle.
"Who goes there?" he shouted in a sharp though slightly tremblingvoice, owing to the inward emotion that agitated him.
The cry aroused the travellers from their sleep; they started upsharply and laid their hands on their weapons; but they let them fallagain and remained motionless, with pallid cheeks and eyes fixed anddilated by terror. At fifty paces from them, on the skirt of theclearing, and fantastically illumined by a moonbeam which threw itslight full upon her, stood straight and upright the vague form of awoman, whose proportions appeared gigantic to the terrified travellers.Garments of a dazzling whiteness fell in folds round this undefinablebeing, who held in her right hand a long sword whose flashing bladeemitted sinister reflections. Her beautiful and regular face was ofa cadaverous hue, which formed a contrast with the raven hue of herhair, which fell in disorder on her shoulders, and descended lowerthan her girdle, which was a golden circlet two burning eyes lit upthis face and gave it an expression rendered even more sinister by theheart-rending and despairing smile which slightly parted her lips.
This strange apparition, whether man, woman, or demon, fixed on thestartled travellers a look in which sorrow and wrath were mingled.These brave men, whom no human peril could have terrified, underwent amoment of supreme hesitation--they were afraid!
The very horses, as if they understood what was going on, andinstinctively shared the fear which overpowered their masters, left offeating their food. With ears laid back, legs apart, and head stretchedout in the direction of this terrible apparition, they neighed andsnorted violently. Moonshine, at length ashamed of the feeling of fearhe experienced, moved forward a step and boldly cocked his rifle.
"Who goes there?" he shouted for the second time, in a voice renderedfirmer by the assurance of being supported by his comrades, althoughthe latter, growing more and more alarmed, did not appear at alldisposed to help him. "Who's there? Speak, or, by Heaven, whether youare an angel or demon, I will lodge a bullet in your head, and I warnyou that I never miss my mark."
Fear makes men talkers; the hunter only made so long a speech throughthe terror with which the incomprehensible being he was addressinginspired him, and whom his threats did not at all appear to disturb.The apparition stretched out its left arm to the hunter, and said in aloud though melodious voice--
"What use is it to threaten what you cannot perform? Have you such astock of ammunition that you are not afraid of wasting it?"
By an instinctive movement, which was independent of his will, theCanadian lowered his weapon, and let the butt sink to the earth again.
"What are you doing here?" the fantastic being continued. "You aresleeping like brute beasts, when you ought to be galloping. Yourenemies are on the watch to surprise you; if you remain any longerhere, on reaching the meeting place tomorrow you will only find thecorpses of your friends lying all bloody on the ruins of the hacienda,where they are expecting you. You have not a moment to lose: to horse!To horse! And you," she added, turning to the two Canadians, "do youfollow them; and, as you say that you are flying from despotism andseeking liberty, fight for it!"
"Who are you? What faith can we place in your words?" asked DonAurelio, who had overcome his first terror.
"What matter who I am," the apparition replied, forcibly, "if theadvice I give you be good. I come, maybe from heaven, maybe from hell,who can say?" she added with a sarcastic laugh. "Perhaps, I am thespirit of this clearing. Obey the order I give you; then, when the taskyou have undertaken is accomplished, you may try to find me out, if youare still curious."
"iViva Dios! I will not be fobbed in this way!" the Mexican shouted. "Iwill know what this means, and who is the being that thus counsels me."
And before his comrades could oppose the execution of the plan he hadformed, he rushed forward impetuously, with a pistol in each hand.
"Madman!" the apparition continued, "For wasting your time in tryingto pursue a chimera, when an imperious duty summons you. Catch me ifyou can."
"Aye, if I perish," Don Aurelio shouted. But at the same instant hisfeet were entangled in a liana, which he had not noticed in his hurry,and he rolled full length on the ground, and both his pistols, whetheraccidentally or purposely, were discharged in his fall. The Mexicanrose again with a savage imprecation, but the phantom had disappeared.
"Malediction!" he shouted, as he looked searchingly around him.
A long laugh responded to him, and then a voice, momentarily growingweaker, said three distinct times--
"To horse, to horse, to horse!"
The travellers were startled; all had been witness of this strangeapparition, which had suddenly disappeared as if the earth hadswallowed it up, and there was no chance of guessing whither it hadgone; hence all these brave men trembled like leaves agitated by thewind, and exchanged silent glances of terror, without daring to make amovement.