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Les fils de la tortue. English Page 6
Les fils de la tortue. English Read online
Page 6
Valparaiso, like nearly all the commercial centres of South America,is a collection of shapeless huts and magnificent palaces, standingside by side and hanging in long clusters from the sided of the threemountains which command the town. The streets are narrow, dirty, andalmost deprived of air, for the houses, as in all American towns,have a tendency to approach each other, and at a certain height forma projection of four, or even six feet over the street. Paving isperfectly unknown; and the consequence is, that in winter, when thedeluging rains, which fall for three months almost without leaving off,have saturated the ground, these streets become veritable sewers, inwhich pedestrians sink up to the knee. This renders the use of a horseindispensable.
Putrid and pestilential miasmas exhale from these gutters, which arefilled with rubbish of every description, resulting from the dailysweepings of the houses. On the other hand, the squares are large,square, perfectly airy, and lined with wide verandahs, which at middayoffer a healthy protection from the sun. These verandahs containhandsome shops, in which the dealers have collected, at great cost,all that can tempt purchasers. It is a medley of the most discordantshops and booths, grouped side by side. A magnificent jeweller displaysbehind his window diamond necklaces, silver spurs, weighing fromfifteen to twenty marcs, rings, bracelets, &c.; between a modest grocerquarrelling with his customers about the weight, and the seller ofmassamorra broth, who, with sleeves tucked up to the elbow, is sellinghis stuff by spoonfuls to every scamp who has an ochavo to regalehimself with.
The smuggler captain passed gloomily and thoughtfully through thejoyous population, whose bursts of laughter echoed far and wide, andwhose merry songs escaped in gay zambacuecas from all the spirit shopswhich are so frequent at Valparaiso. In this way he reached SenorCrevel's inn, who uttered a cry of joy on perceiving the captain, andran out to hold his horse.
"Are my men here?" Leon asked civilly, as he dismounted.
"They arrived nearly two hours back," Crevel answered, respectfully.
"It is well. Is the green chamber empty?"
Every landlord, in whatever country he may hang out his sign, possessesa separate room adorned with the names of blue, red, or green, andwhich he lets at a fabulous price, under the excuse that it is farsuperior to all the others in the house. Senor Crevel knew his tradetoo well not to have adopted this habit common to all his brethren;but he had given the name of the green room to a charming little quietnook, which only his regular customers entered. Now, as we have said,the smugglers were very old friends of Crevel.
The door of the green room, perfectly concealed in the wall, did notallow its existence to be suspected; and it was in this room that thebold plans of the landlord's mysterious trade, whose profits were fargreater than those which he drew from his avowed trade, were elaborated.
On hearing Leon's question, the Banian's face assumed an expressioneven more joyous than that with which he had greeted the young man'sarrival, for he scented, in the simple question asked him, a meetingof smugglers and the settlement of some affairs in which he would havehis share as usual. Hence he replied by an intelligent nod, and addedaloud, "Yes, senor; it is ready for your reception."
After handing the traveller's horse to a greasy waiter, whom he orderedto take the greatest care of it, he led Leon into the interior of theinn. We are bound to confess that if the architect who undertook tobuild this house had been more than saving in the distribution ofornamentation, it was admirably adapted for its owner's trade. It wasa cottage built of pebbles and beams, which it had in common with thegreater portion of the houses in Valparaiso. Its front looked, as weknow, upon the Calle San Agostino, while the opposite side faced thesea, over which it jutted out on piles for some distance. An enormousadvantage for the worthy landlord, who frequently profited by dark orstormy nights to avoid payment of customs dues, by receiving throughthe windows the goods which the smugglers sold him; and it alsofavoured the expeditions of the latter, by serving as a depot for thebales which they undertook to bring in on account of people who dealtwith them.
This vicinity of the sea also enabled the Frenchman, whose customerswere a strange medley of all sorts of men, not to trouble himself aboutthe result of the frequent quarrels which took place at his house,and which might have caused an unpleasantness with the police, who atValparaiso, as in other places where this estimable institution is invogue, sometimes found it necessary to make an example. Hence, so soonas the squadron of lanceros was signalled in the distance, Senor Crevelat once warned his guests; so that when the soldiers arrived, andfancied they were about to make a good haul, they found that the birdshad flown. We need scarce say that they had simply escaped through theback window into a boat always kept fastened in case of need to a ringin the wooden platform, which served as a landing stage to the house.The lanceros did not understand this sudden disappearance, and went offwith a hangdog air.
Differing from European houses, which fall back in proportion totheir elevation from the ground, Senor Crevel's establishment bulgedoutwards, so that the top was spacious and well lighted, while theground floor rooms were narrow and dark. The landlord had always takenadvantage of this architectural arrangement by having a room made onthe second floor, which was reached by a turning staircase, and aperfect ear of Dionysius, as all external sounds reached the inmates,while the noise they made either in fighting or talking was deadened.The result of this was that a man might be most easily killed in thegreen room without a soul suspecting it.
It was into this room, then, witness of so many secret councils, thatthe landlord introduced, with the greatest ceremony, the captain ofthe smugglers, who walked behind him. On regarding the interior of theroom, nothing indicated the origin of its name; for it was entirelyhung with red damask. Had this succeeded a green hanging? This seems tobe a more probable explanation.
It received light from above, by means of a large skylight. The wallswere hung with pictures in equivocal taste, representing subjectspassably erotic and even slightly obscene. A large four-post bed,adorned with its tester, occupied all one side of the room, and amahogany chest of drawers stood facing it: in a corner was a smalltable covered with the indispensable toilette articles--combs, brushes,&c. A small looking glass over the table, chairs surrounding a largeround table, and, lastly, an alabaster clock, which for the last tenyears had invariably marked the same hour between its two flower vases,completed the furniture of this famous green room. We must also mentiona bell, whose string hung behind the landlord's bar, and was useful togive an alarm under the circumstances to which we have referred. Leonpaid no attention to these objects, which had long been familiar tohim.
"Now, then," he said, as he took off his hat and poncho, and threwhimself into an easy chair, "bring me some dinner at once."
"What would you like, captain?"
"The first thing ready: some puchero, some pepperpot--in short,whatever you please, provided it be at once, as I am in a hurry."
"What will you drink?"
"Wine, confound it! and try to find some that is good."
"All right."
"Decamp then, and make haste to bring me all I require."
"Directly, captain."
And Senor Crevel withdrew to attend to the preparation of the youngman's dinner. During this time Leon walked up and down the room, andseemed to be arranging in his head the details of some plan he wasmeditating.
Crevel soon returned to lay the table, which he performed withoutopening his lips for fear of attracting some disagreeable remark fromthe captain, who, for his part, did not appear at all disposed forconversation. In an instant all was arranged with that coquettishsymmetry which belongs to the French alone.
"Dinner is ready, captain," said Crevel, when he re-entered the room.
"Very well. Leave me; when I want you I will call you."
The landlord went out. Leon sat down to the table, and drawing theknife which he wore in his boot, vigorously attacked the appetizing
dishes placed before him.
It is a fact worthy of remark, that with great and energetic natures,moral sufferings have scarce any influence over physical wants.It might be said that they understand the necessity of renewing orredoubling their strength, in order to resist more easily and morevictoriously the griefs which oppress them, and they require all theirvigour to contend worthily against them.
Chilian meals in no way resemble ours. Among us people drink whileeating, in order to facilitate the absorption and digestion of thefood; but in America it is quite different--there people eat withoutdrinking. It is only when the pastry and sweets have been eaten thatthey drink a large glass of water for digestion; then comes thewines and liqueurs, always in small quantities, for the inhabitantsof hot countries are generally very sober, and not addicted to theinterminable sittings round a table covered with bottles, in anatmosphere impregnated with the steam of dishes.
When the meal was ended, Leon took his tobacco pouch from his pocketand rolled a cigarette, after wiping his fingers on the cloth. Asthis action may appear improper to the reader, it is as well that heshould know that all Americans do so without scruple, as the use of thenapkin is entirely unknown. Another custom worth mentioning is thatof employing the fingers in lieu of a fork. This is the process amongthe Americans. They cut a piece of bread crumb, which they hold intheir hand, and pick up with it the articles on their plate with greatrapidity and cleanliness.
Nor must it be thought that they act in this way through ignorance ofthe fork; they are perfectly well acquainted with that utensil, and canmanage it as well as we do when required; but though it is present onevery table, both rich and poor regard it as an object of luxury, andsay that it is far more convenient to do without it, and remark thatthe food has considerably more flavour when eaten in this fashion.
Leon lit his cigarette, and fell again into his reflections. All atonce he rose and rang the bell, and Crevel at once appeared.
"Take all this away," said Leon, pointing to the table.
The landlord removed all traces of the meal.
"And now bring me the articles to make a glass of punch."
Crevel gazed for a moment in amazement at the man who had given thisorder. The sobriety of the smuggler was proverbial at Valparaiso; hehad never been seen to drink more than one or two glasses of Pisco, andthen it was only on great occasions, or to please his friend Diego,whom he knew to be very fond of strong liquors, like all the Indians.When a bottle of aguardiente was served to the two men, the Indianfinished it alone, for Leon scarce wet his lips. Hence the landlord wasalmost knocked off his feet on receiving his guest's unusual order.
"Well, did you not hear me?" Leon resumed, impatiently.
"Yes, yes, sir," Crevel replied; "but--"
"But it surprises you, I suppose?"
"I confess it."
"It is true," Leon said, with a mocking smile, "that it is not my habitto drink."
"That it is not," said Crevel.
"Well, I am going to take to it, that's all. And what do you findsurprising in that?"
"Nothing, of course."
"Then bring me what I asked for."
"Directly, directly, captain."
"On my soul, something extraordinary is taking place," Crevel saidto himself as he descended to his bar. "The captain never had a veryagreeable way with him, but, on the word of Crevel, I never saw him ashe is tonight; it would be dangerous to touch him with a pair of tongs.What can have happened to him? Ah, stuff, it concerns him, after all:and then, who knows; perhaps he is on the point of becoming a drunkard."
After this aside, the worthy landlord manufactured a splendid bowl ofpunch, which he carried up to Leon so soon as it was ready.
"There," he said, as he placed the bowl on the table; "I think thatwill please you, captain."
"Thanks! but what is this?" Leon said, as he looked at what Crevel hadbrought--"there is only one glass."
"Why, you are alone."
"That is true; but I trust you will do me the pleasure of drinking withme."
"I should be most unwilling, captain, to deprive myself of the honourof drinking with you, but--"
Crevel, through his stupefaction, was unable to complete his sentence,for the invitation which the captain gave him surprised him beyond allexpression. Let us add that it was the first time such an honour hadbeen done him.
"In that case bring a glass for yourself."
Crevel, without further hesitation, fetched the glass, and seatedhimself facing the captain.
"Now, my dear Crevel," Leon said, as he dipped into the bowl and filledthe glasses to the brim, "here's to your health, and let us talk."
The landlord was all ears.
"Do you know the convent of the Purisima Concepcion?"
At this question Crevel opened his eyes to their fullest extent.
"What the deuce can the captain have to do with the nuns of thePurisima Concepcion?" he asked himself, and then replied, "Certainly,captain."
"Very good; and could you contrive to get in there under some pretext?"
The landlord appeared to reflect for a moment.
"I have it," he said; "I will get in whenever you like."
"In that case get ready, for I want to send you there this very moment."
"What to do?"
"A trifle. I want you to see the Senora Maria," Leon said to him, afterdescribing the accident of which he had been the involuntary cause,"and deliver her a message from me."
"The deuce! that is more difficult," Crevel muttered.
"Did you not tell me that you could get into the convent?"
"Yes; but seeing a novice is very different."
"Still you must do so, unless you refuse to undertake the task. Ithought of you, because I believed you to be a clever and resolutefellow; if I am mistaken, I will apply to someone else, and I feelcertain that I shall find more than one ingenious man who will not besorry to earn four ounces."
"Four ounces, did you say?" and the Parisian's eyes sparkled with aflash of covetousness.
"Tell me if that suits you?"
"I accept."
"In that case, make haste. Have my horse saddled for I shall accompanyyou."
"We will start within a quarter of an hour; but in order that I maytake my precautions, tell me what I have to do when I see the Senora?"
"You will hand her this scapulary, and say to her that the cavalierwho wore it is lying at your house in danger of death. Pay carefulattention to the expression which her face assumes, and manage todescribe it to me. That is all I want."
"I understand."
And the landlord went down to make his preparations.
"In that way, I shall know whether she loves me," Leon exclaimed, sosoon as he was alone.
Then, taking up his poncho and montera, he rolled a cigarette in hisfingers, and went to join Crevel in the ground floor room.
"Do not be impatient, captain; I shall be with you in a moment," thebanian said on perceiving him; "I only ask of you the time to run to mycellar."
"Make haste, for time is slipping away."
"Do not be alarmed; I shall be at the convent within half an hour."
On returning from the cellar the landlord brought with him threebottles covered with a thick coating of mould, bearing witness to thelong stay they had made in the shadow of the sun, and adorned with askullcap of pitch, whose colour time had changed.
"What is that?" Leon asked.
"The keys of the convent of the Purisima Concepcion," Crevel replied,with a crafty smile. "We can start now."
In a moment Leon, on horseback, was going down the Calle San Agostino afew paces a head of Crevel, who was on foot.