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Les outlaws du Missouri. English Page 21
Les outlaws du Missouri. English Read online
Page 21
The marriage of Evening Dew with Numank-Charake was to be celebratedwith unusual splendour. Invitations had been sent in all directions,and, two days before the ceremony was to take place, numerousdeputations from all the tribes were collected around, and werereceived with the splendid hospitality essential in such a case.
At least five hundred strange warriors had come.
Some hours later a new troop appeared on the verge of the plain; it wasvery numerous, three hundred men at least, in the picturesque costumeof Mexican rancheros, all armed to the teeth, and admirably mounted.
Four cavaliers rode in front; these were Tom Mitchell, Pierre DurandCamotte, and Tete de Plume. It was the full force of the outlaws. Onnearing the village two other men were seen; these were Clinton andCharbonneau.
Nothing was omitted to give _eclat_ to such a reception. The mostrenowned of the sachems, with the three Canadians, Bright-eye, andOliver, advanced to meet them, and give them a most cordial and sincerewelcome.
Captain Pierre Durand, who had given up his disguise, kept a little inthe background.
Having exchanged compliments, Tom ordered his men to camp outside, andentered the village with the others.
As soon as all were collected in the hut of the Canadians, Tom Mitchellclosed the door carefully.
"Gentlemen," he said, in a low and solemn tone, "I owe you noexplanation for coming, but for coming in such force."
"You owe no explanation. You are welcome."
"Listen. Not a moment is to be lost. Spies are on all hands. You aresurrounded by treachery and traitors. You are all to be made thevictims of an execrable plot concocted by two wretches, Lagrenay andTubash-Shah."
All were stupefied. While the other spoke, Pierre Durand slipped intoBright-eye's own room to rest.
"Yes. Tubash-Shah hates Numank; but that is not all. He loves yourgentle daughter, Evening Dew."
"Horrible!" cried the old man.
"The capture of Miss Angela was a thing arranged between Lagrenay andTubash-Shah, who thought to get her from me."
"Thanks to you, the plot is exploded."
"He still hopes to kill his rival, steal his wife, become possessor ofthe treasure you know of," cried Tom Mitchell, "and become chief of thetribe. With these schemes in their heads, Lagrenay and Tubash-Shah areallies."
"It is a horrible plot. How did you discover it?"
"No matter; my spies have served me well. I knew the plan of theconspirators, and hence have come in such force. I shall be able tothwart them. Do you now attend to the immediate safety of the chiefs ofthis nation and people."
"I will take measures at once."
"Above all, be cautious. You have to deal with desperate and cunningrascals," urged Tom Mitchell.
The three Canadians, grandfather, father, and son, went out, leavingbehind only George Clinton and his friend.
"Now, Mr. Clinton," said the outlaw, "though we met under unpleasantcircumstances, we are friends."
"I see no reason why we should not be," he replied.
"I am happy to hear it," continued Tom Mitchell; "but before we go anyfarther, allow me to say a word to this young Frenchman. In that roomyou will find a friend."
"A friend!" cried Oliver; "Impossible! You know I have only recentlyreached this country."
"Take my advice," said the outlaw, with a smile.
Oliver shrugged his shoulders, as if yielding to a foolish whim, andwent in to find himself face to face with Durand.
"Now," said the outlaw, "I have not told all; I have left out certainmatters which personally concern yourself. One moment, and you shalljudge for yourself. Excuse me if I have to touch upon a very tendertopic--that of love."
"Captain!" cried George.
"Pardon me. You love a charming girl, whom you have followed into thedesert with as much devotion as men show in the search of gold. To thisI have only to add that the girl is as beautiful and as good as anangel."
George bowed his head to hide his confusion.
"Her father is against you, I know. But the important fact is that aterrible calamity threatens her and you."
"Pray explain yourself," George cried.
"Do you think the redskins are blind? You forget them in yourcalculation of future happiness."
"Explain yourself," continued the young man.
"I cannot at present. You are young in the desert, but you have cleverand devoted friends. Above all, you have Bright-eye, honest, devoted,intelligent. Tell him all I have said, and to work. You have not amoment to lose to save her."
At this moment the three Canadians came in at one door, Oliver andCaptain Durand at the other. Before anyone else could speak, Oliverrushed forward.
"Captain," he said to the outlaw, "I can never thank you enough. I knowall. Command me in every way."
"I shall remind you of your promise."
"And my wretched persecutor--you will bring him to me?"
"Yes; and place in your hands papers to confound him," cried theoutlaw; "papers which prove your rank."
The conversation now became general. The two Canadians had been atwork, and warned all the sachems.
But everything had been done without exciting suspicion. All went onjust as usual in the village.
The preparations for the marriage continued.
The Canadians entertained their friends at a great banquet that night,at which Numank was present, grave and proud, seated beside Angela, whowas charming, though blushing with downcast eyes, and never speaking aword.
The formal ceremony of betrothal had taken place in the morning, sothat this was rather a friendly meeting than anything else.
There was, however, a magnificent exchange of presents.
Next day, just before the final ceremony, Tom Mitchell went off with ahundred of his most resolute men.
Camotte remained in command of the others.
According to invariable Indian custom, the man who takes a wife takesher seemingly by force; he snatches her up, puts her behind him, dartsoff, and two days later comes back, slays a mare that has never foaled,and all is over.
Numank, of course, would do the same.
At night the hut was surrounded by a party of Indians, and Angelacarried off, after a feeble resistance.
Then some shots were fired, and away sped Numank with his wifesurrounded by a powerful Indian escort.
This escort was almost wholly composed of strangers with Tubash.
The abductors had scarcely departed when Bright-eye came out of the hutand whistled. He was at once surrounded by warriors.
"On," he said, in a menacing voice; "there is no time to lose."
And they darted away like a whirlwind, riding for some hours in thedirection taken by the bridal party.
Suddenly they were startled by flashes of light, followed by the reportof guns. A terrible combat was going on.
With a tremendous war cry the troop led by Bright-eye dashed in thedirection of the fight. It was time.
Numank-Charake, holding his wife on one arm, was fighting, surroundedby the few warriors faithful to him.
Ten only of these could stand, and must have succumbed in five minutesbut for the unlooked-for succour.
The carnage was fearful. All fought desperately in silence. At lastevery one of the treacherous escort was dead.
Tubash Shah escaped in the confusion.
Numank-Charake was more like a corpse than a live man, and had to becarried on a litter.
They reached the village next day, from which all the rival tribes haddeparted, leaving behind a bundle of arrows dipped in blood. It was aformal declaration of war.
We turn elsewhere for a time.
It was night at the hut of the squatter Lagrenay. Everybody sleptexcept himself. Seated by the dying fire in a cane chair, his head inhis two hands, his elbows on the table, the squatter appeared at leastto be reading.
His huge and savage dog lay at his feet, listening f
or the faintestsound from without.
Every now and then the old man looked at a clock, and then appeared toread again until a sharp whistle was heard.
The dog and man leaped up, but suddenly Lagrenay bade the animal bequiet, and went himself to open the door. He started back as two menentered, strangers.
"I am Joshua Dickson," said the first, "and this is my brother Samuel.You sent for my son; we have come in his place."
The old man professed to be glad to see his neighbours, and bade thembe seated. After some time wasted in circumlocution, he began to speakof real business.
"You have established yourselves in the Valley of the Moose Deer," hesaid, "a magnificent settlement."
"Well, what then?"
"That valley belongs to one of the most powerful tribes on the whole ofthe Missouri," continued Lagrenay.
"No matter. Virgin soil belongs to the first comer."
"Perhaps. But that is not the question. This tribe have other lands ofwhich they take no account," went on the squatter, "and will probablynever claim, but they have special reasons for keeping the Valley ofthe Deer sacred."
"Explain yourself," cried both.
"In that valley is buried the treasure of the nation."
"What treasure? Old shooter of muskrats!" cried Joshua; "There is notreasure like mother earth."
"I mean a real treasure--gold, ingots, diamonds," said the old man, "tothe extent of many millions."
"So much the better," replied Joshua; "it is mine."
"Take care! The struggle will be terrible. Your adversaries are manyand brave; they have allied themselves with the outlaws of the desert,and, moreover, have taken as their chief a fellow countryman, whodearly covets your possessions."
"May I ask the name of my countryman?" inquired Samuel, in a banteringtone of voice.
"His name is George Clinton," said Lagrenay.
"George Clinton!" exclaimed Joshua, amazed.
"You lie, miserable wretch!" said Samuel Dickson, rising; "GeorgeClinton is an honourable man, not a--"
"I have spoken the truth. Do as you please."
Then the door was burst open, and two men entered pushing forward athird with blows of musket butts.
"Miserable wretch!" said one, seizing him by the throat, "I am GeorgeClinton, and you lie in your teeth."
Rock attempted to fly at the assailants, but Charbonneau brained himwith the butt end of his gun.
Lagrenay rose rifle in hand, but the two Americans disarmed him, andforced him to reseat himself.
The prisoner brought in was Tubash-Shah. Behind the three men appearedthe dogs Nadeje and Drack.
"Gentlemen, we arrive in time. Thank heaven, we have brought with usthis wretch, who now will tell the truth."
And he looked at the Indian with a glance that made him shudder to themarrow of his bones.
The two Americans were exceedingly surprised, while Lagrenay thought invain of some new subterfuge.
Roused by the noise made on the entrance of the three men, the wifeof Lagrenay had risen in haste, and, without waiting to dress, hadrushed into the room. She entered without being seen, and tremblinglyensconced herself behind her husband.
Inside there was silence, but without the sound of many men.
None spoke for some time; everyone's breathing seemed oppressed.Lagrenay, his teeth chattering, at last spoke.
"Will you explain this outrage?" he began.
"Silence!" cried George Clinton, in a terrible voice; "Speak only whencalled upon for your defence. All I hope is that when you have heard ofwhat you are accused you may be able to give a satisfactory reply tothe charge."
"Accused--defend myself!" cried the old man.
"Yes, before Judge Lynch, who will decide between us," said Clinton,coldly. "Listen, here come your judges."
As he spoke several men entered. Lagrenay felt himself lost. He was inthe hands of implacable foes.
Tubash-Shah, erect against the wall, appeared utterly indifferent. Buthis every thought was intent on escape.
The sudden appearance of George Clinton had very much surprised JoshuaDickson. All his rage was revived, and he was prepared to treat himwith severity and hatred. The idea of treason still rankled in his mind.
Two men had now seized upon the squatter, and, despite the cries of hiswife, were trying to carry him out.
At that moment Louis and Francois Berger entered.
"My cousins!" cried Lagrenay, "They would murder me!"
"Save my old man!" said the wife, pitifully.
"My friends and brothers," said Louis Berger, raising his hand, "thisman is my relative. Give him to me. Justice shall be done."
The squatter was released, and hid himself behind his two Canadiancousins, trembling, nearly dead.
"Sirs," said Louis to the Americans, "you are the new squattersestablished in the Moose Deer Valley?"
"We are," replied Joshua, rather doggedly.
"Then I have business with you. In the first place, by what right haveyou squatted in that place?"
"Really, except that you have force on your side, I should not answerso singular a question. Because I found it."
"I beg to inform you that it is private property. You are by no meansthe first occupier."
"And who may he be?" asked Joshua, furiously.
"Myself. It was given me by the chiefs of the Huron tribe. A deed,perfectly legal, exists."
"Can a man find no free land on earth?" he cried, "On the face of theearth? You claim it, then?"
At this moment, when all were busy, Tubash saw his opportunity, andran. Two or three pursued, but the rest remained.
"Then," said Joshua, presently, "there is some truth in the story ofthe gold treasure in the valley?"
"Yes, and I have recently ceded all my rights to Tom Mitchell, chief ofthe outlaws."
"Then all I have to do is to go?" urged Joshua.
"I think the matter might be arranged," observed Louis. "Here is ayoung man who loves your child. George Clinton, is it not so?"
"It is useless my persuading Joshua Dickson."
"By heavens!" cried Samuel, "But you shall. Here is a noble, young,rich, brave--"
"But," cried Joshua, "what has that to do with it?"
"Sole owner of the Valley of the Deer," continued Louis Berger, drily;"he bought it this morning."
"But--" still hesitated Joshua.
"To arms!" cried Tom Mitchell, rushing in, "To arms! Pardieu! You havefallen into the trap."
"What is the matter?" cried the brothers.
"While you are wasting your time here, your plantation is attacked byIndians," he responded, "who are burning and destroying all. Soon therewill be only ruins and ashes."
This terrible revelation fell like a thunderbolt upon all present inthat room.
Tom Mitchell--his dress torn, his face covered by powder and blood,holding a smoking gun--summoned them.
George Clinton, without waiting a minute, darted away, followed byCharbonneau and his dogs.
Above all, he would save her he loved from the fearful peril she was inof falling into the hands of redskins.
"What is to be done?" cried Joshua.
"Never despair," said the outlaw. "Your sons and servants are fightinglike lions. We must join them."
"Come along," cried Samuel.
"Oh! Oh!" said Joshua, brandishing his rifle, "The rascally redskinsshall pay for this."
"Come, in the name of God!" cried the outlaw; "I have with me a partyready for any amount of redskins."
At these words everybody mounted, and dashed through the darkness likea legion of phantoms.
Four persons only remained in the silent and deserted hut--the two oldCanadians, Lagrenay, and his wife.
The old squatter had, during these exciting scenes, recovered hisequanimity. He believed himself saved.
As soon as they were alone, he and his wife began to place refreshmentson the table for their guests.
The two Canadians remained standing, leaning on the
ir rifles, and notnoticing even the preparations.
"My dear relations," said Lagrenay, in an insinuating voice, "will youhonour me by accepting refreshments?"
"What does the man say?" asked Francois Berger.
"You have a long journey to go," continued Lagrenay, "you must beextremely tired and want rest."
"What matter?" said the old man.
"Will you not empty a cup of whisky?" began the woman.
"Silence!" cried the hunter, striking the butt of his rifle on theground, "And listen."
The old man shuddered.
"Lagrenay," he went on, in a hollow voice, "I dragged you from thehands of Judge Lynch, because I did not wish to see my cousin hanged;you have dishonoured not only the name you bear, but the family towhich you belong; that family, poor as it has always been, has knownhow to preserve its honour intact. That honour you have soiled, fromthe base love of gold. Prepare to die."
"To die!" he murmured.
"My cousins, my dear cousins, you will not have the heart to kill mypoor old man," said his wife, clasping her hands and weeping; "thirtyyears we have lived together. What shall I do when he is gone? Who willsupport my miserable existence? Have mercy, in the name of the Lord. Ifyou kill him, I shall die."
"You shall not die," said Francois Berger; "my cousin will take care ofyou for life."
"I," she said, with a gesture of horror, "accept the protection of themurderers of my husband, eat the bread of assassins! I should chokemyself at the first mouthful. Have mercy, then, and shoot us together."
Louis Berger turned away his head. Even the inflexible old judge of thereign of terror was moved.
Then he made a sign to his son, and both cocked their rifles.
"Stop!" said Lagrenay, in a firm and solemn voice; "I know yourinflexible will too well to ask my life of you. You have decided onmy death. Good. But I will not die at your hands. You say the honourof the family requires that justice should be done. Well, it shall bedone. Still I could not die like a dog. Give me ten minutes to pray.You will not refuse this?"
"Heaven forbid!" said the old man, "And may heaven have mercy on youfor all your sins."
"Thanks, cousins and friends," cried the squatter, "and now, wife, onyour knees. Let us beg forgiveness of our sins."
The two old men went out, tears in their eyes, and almost inclined tobe merciful. Stern will prevailed.
Five minutes later, a double shot was heard. They rushed in. Both laydead upon the floor.
Justice was done.
The two hunters kneeled down beside the bodies, and said a silentprayer over them.
Then, in the room itself, they dug a grave, and, after some littletime, interred the husband and wife.
Then, dragging away by main force the wounded dog, they collected a lotof brushwood and other fuel.
This they piled against the house and then fired. In a few minutes thewhole was in flames.
The dog got away, and plunged into the burning pile.
When all was over and nought remained but cinders and ashes, the twomen wiped away a tear and retired.
Tom Mitchell had told the truth. The plantation of Joshua Dickson hadbeen attacked by a numerous party.
This is how it had come about.
Tubash-Shah and the squatter, Lagrenay, excited by a common hatred, hadcome to an understanding.
The old wretch, whose whole thoughts were bent on the vast treasureconcealed in the valley, had promised the Indian, not only his shareof the gold, but the possession of a beautiful white girl, at least asbeautiful as Evening Dew.
He further suggested that as Numank-Charake would be sure to joinClinton, he could kill him too.
He would then have the two most beautiful wives on the prairie.
The Indian was easily seduced by this radiant project, which the oldsquatter fluttered before his eyes.
An alliance defensive and offensive was struck up.
It was Tubash-Shah who suggested the treacherous visit of the redskinson the occasion of the great marriage.
In order to facilitate the attack on the settlement, old Lagrenay senta secret message to the squatters, who fell into the trap prepared forthem. Tubash-Shah was outside, waiting to take them, when he himselfwas made prisoner.
This nearly spoiled all. But, after only half an hour's detention,Tubash escaped.
He joined his expectant companions, and the plantation was at onceattacked on all sides by Indians.
But the Americans were on the watch, and received the redskins in a waythat rather surprised them.
Tom Mitchell, warned by his spies, had given them sufficient hints,while himself preparing.
One hundred and fifty outlaws, under the orders of Tete de Plume, hadbeen secretly sent into the fort by George Clinton.
He had then, with Charbonneau, gone and concealed himself nearLagrenay's hut.
Camotte had been sent to the village of the Huron Bisons toNumank-Charake, and Bright-eye, to ask for the assistance of all thewarriors of the tribe who could be spared.
On the other hand, Tom Mitchell, at the head of his most daringcompanions, had placed himself in a position to be at hand at anytime.But if the defence had been well arranged, the attack was most fierceand desperate; the redskins fought like demons; brave, well armed, andcounting on the vast superiority of their numbers, the Indians rushedto the charge against the intrenchments with a ferocity quite unusual.
These intrenchments had been hastily thrown up, and could not longresist such an attack.
Tubash-Shah, at the head of a picked band of warriors, did wonders. Hewas a host in himself.
The struggle became at one time so desperate that Tom Mitchellhimself began to despair; then it was that he dashed off to the hutof Lagrenay, and called to arms all who were collected together indeliberation.
Then he started again at the head of the reinforcement, like a stormcloud on the wing.
Again the combat seemed desperate.
The war cry of the American Indians and the hurrahs of the whites weremixed with the fusillade.
Then a rush of horse was heard, an awful war whoop, and three hundredwarriors, led by Numank-Charake, Bright-eye, and Camotte, appeared onthe scene.
Tom Mitchell gave a cry of joy.
He divided his terrible cavaliers into three detachments, one commandedby Numank and Bright-eye, gave half his outlaws to Oliver, and took therest under his own immediate orders.
Then at a given signal, the three troops rushed, with horrible yellsand cries, upon the astonished assailants.
Though taken aback, the brave redskins fronted both ways, and made amost terrible defence.
Samuel Dickson and his brother meantime contrived to enter thesettlement, amid joyous acclamations.
It was time; the palisades and intrenchments were giving way, and theIndians were rushing in.
The combat became now gigantic in its proportions. The redskins, led byTubash-Shah, fought with desperate valour.
He kept the _elite_ of his men together, and worked his way towards theinterior of the settlement.
Presently he drew forth his human thighbone whistle and darted for thehouse. He had seen Diana.
The young girl, seeing the demon covered by blood and powder,brandishing his hatchet, and forcing, with a hideous cry, his horsetowards the women, gave a desperate shriek of agonised terror.
"Ah, ah!" cried Tubash-Shah, in triumph; "The paleface girl. At lastshe is mine."
He urged forward his horse, which reared with abject terror, and threwhis master heavily.
Dardar, the faithful dog, always in attendance on Diana, had seized thewarhorse by the nostrils.
He then let him go, and caught the Indian himself by the throat.
"Good dog," shouted George Clinton, as he ran up with Charbonneau,Drack, and Nadeje.
The battle was over. The few Indians who were left threw down theirarms in despair.
"My daughter, oh, my
daughter!" cried Joshua, who came rushing from theinside of the house.
"She is here, sir," said Clinton.
"And her abductor?" he continued.
"Is dead," he answered, pointing to the corpse, which the dog wasworrying as he would have done a rat.
"My son, I thank you," said Joshua; "what do I not owe to you? Takeher."
* * * * *
Two days after M. Hebrard returned to the fort a wiser man. Oliverproved his rank, name, and right to fortune, to the satisfaction ofeverybody.
"Tell my relatives," he said, "that as long as they leave me alone, Ishall be quiet. Go, and let us never meet again."
A week later, after the marriage of George and Diana, Tom Mitchell,Bright-eye, Oliver, and Captain Durand, started on the dangerousexpedition undertaken by the outlaw, and of which, probably, we shallgive some account at a future time.
[For further adventures of Bright-eye, see the "Prairie Flower," andthe "Indian Scout," same publishers.]