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The Indian Chief: The Story of a Revolution Page 19



  The sun had risen nearly an hour when Valentine, and the band hecommanded, joined Captain de Laville and the prisoners again at abouttwo leagues from La Magdalena. The Mexicans were marching with bowedheads, and hands fastened behind their backs, between two files ofFrench horsemen, with their rifles on the thigh, and finger on thetrigger. The captain was slightly in advance of his men, conversing withthe old Mexican officer, whose legs had been tied under his horse'sbelly, owing to an attempt at escape he had made.

  In the rear came the prisoners' horses, easily recaught by theadventurers, and loaded with the muskets, sabres, and lances of theirex-masters. When the two bands united they went on more rapidly.Valentine, had he wished it, could have reached the camp before sunrise;but it was important for the success of the expedition, at the head ofwhich the count had placed himself, that the population of La Magdalena,at this moment increased tenfold by the strangers who, owing to thefestival, had flocked in from all parts of Sonora, should understandthat the French had not undertaken an expedition so feather-brained aswas supposed, or at least as the Mexican Government wished it to besupposed, and therefore the prisoners would march into camp in broaddaylight.

  The count, warned by Curumilla, whom the hunter sent on in advance,determined to give great importance to this affair, and display acertain degree of ostentation: consequently the whole army was underarms; and the flag, planted in front of the count's tent to the soundof bugles and drums, was saluted by the shouts of the adventurers. Asthe count had foreseen, the inhabitants of La Magdalena rushed to thecamp to witness the sight the count prepared for them; and the road wassoon covered by curious persons on horse and on foot, hurrying to be thefirst to arrive. When the head of the detachment reached the camp gatesit stopped at a signal from Valentine, and a bugler sounded a call. Atthis summons an officer came out.

  "Who goes there?" he shouted.

  "France!" Captain de Laville, who had advanced a few paces, replied.

  "What corps?" the officer continued.

  "The liberating army of Sonora!"

  An immense shout, raised by the populace, drowned the words.

  "Enter," the officer said.

  The barrier was raised, the drums began beating, the bugles sounding,and the marching past began. There was something really grand in thisscene, so simple in itself, but which made the heart beat more rapidlywhen you examined the resolute air of this handful of men, left tothemselves without succour, six thousand leagues from their country, whoso proudly sustained the name of France, and who, at the beginning ofthe campaign, without firing a shot, returned with a hundred prisonerscaptured at the moment they were preparing to surprise the camp.

  The Sonorians, under an involuntary emotion, regarded the Frenchmenwith a respectful timidity, mingled with admiration, and, far frompitying the fate of their compatriots, they overwhelmed them withyells and jests. So great is the influence of courage and energyon these primitive races! When the prisoners were collected in themiddle of the camp square the count approached them, surrounded byhis staff and some of the chief inhabitants of La Magdalena, whofollowed him instinctively, carried away by their enthusiasm. It wasreally a holiday. Floods of light inundated the landscape; a gentlebreeze refreshed the atmosphere; the bugles played merry tunes; thedrums rattled; and the assembled populace uttered shouts of joy, whilewaving handkerchiefs and hats. The count smiled, for he was momentarilyhappy. The future appeared to him less gloomy and sad. He examined theprisoners for a moment with a pensive eye.

  "I have come to Sonora," he at length said in a piercing voice, "to giveliberty to the people of this country. I have been represented to youas a cruel and faithless man. Begone! You are free! Go and tell yourcountrymen how the chief of the pirates avenges the calumnies spreadabroad about him. I do not even ask of you the promise not to beararms against me again. I have on my side something which is strongerthan all the soldiers who can be opposed to me--the hand of God, whichguides me; for He wishes that this country should be at length free andregenerated. Unfasten those men, and restore them their horses."

  The order was immediately obeyed, and the people greeted this generousresolution with shouts and ebullitions of joy. The prisoners hastenedto quit the camp, though not before they had displayed by energeticprotestations, their gratitude for the count's generosity. Don Louisthen turned to Captain Isidro.

  "As for you, captain," he said gravely, "you are one of the few lionsleft from that war of independence which overthrew the Spanish power. Weare brothers, for we both serve the same cause. Take back your sword: abrave man like you must always wear it at his side."

  The captain looked at him gloomily.

  "Why can I no longer hate you?" he replied. "I should have preferred aninsult to your generosity. Now I am no longer free."

  "You are so, captain. I ask from you neither friendship nor gratitude.I have acted as I thought it my duty to do. Let us each follow our ownroad, but let us try not to meet again."

  "Your hand, caballero; and now a word."


  "Take care of the persons in whom you place confidence."

  "Explain yourself."

  "I can say no more, or I should be a traitor myself."

  "Oh, ever, ever the same treachery!" the count muttered, growingthoughtful.

  "And now farewell, caballero. If I am forbidden to wish the success ofyour plans, at least I will do nothing against them; and if you do notsee me among the ranks of your friends, I shall not be in those of yourenemies."

  The old captain bounded into his seat, made his horse perform a fewgraceful curvets, and after bowing to the company, started at a gallop.

  The remainder of the day was one continued festival. The count hadsucceeded: his generous conduct to the prisoners bore its fruits. TheFrench adventurers had risen enormously in the opinion of the Sonorians.The count had already acquired a great influence in the country, andseveral persons began to prognosticate a successful issue for theexpedition.

  At nightfall Don Louis convoked all the chiefs of the army to a secretcouncil of war. By a providential accident, the count, who woulddoubtlessly have permitted Don Cornelio to be present at the council,owing to the confidence he placed in him, had sent that gentleman toLa Magdalena to buy several horses he required. This commission, bypreventing the Spaniard's presence at the council, insured its secrecy.

  Don Cornelio had succeeded by a miracle in escaping the hunter'spursuit, and had re-entered the camp unnoticed about two hours beforethe arrival of the prisoners. He had killed his horse, but was this timeat least safe himself, for no one dreamed of suspecting him; and evenhad it been the case, nothing would have been easier for him than toestablish an _alibi_.

  At eight in the evening the roll call sounded, the camp gates wereclosed, and the officers proceeded to head quarters; that is to say, thejacal inhabited by the count. A row of sentries, set about ten pacesdistant from the hut, so as to be themselves out of hearing distance,had orders to fire on the first person who attempted to enter the placeof meeting without orders.

  The count was seated at a table, on which a road map of Sonora was laidout. The assembly was composed of some fifteen persons, among whom wereValentine, Curumilla, Captain de Laville, and Belhumeur, who was toointimate a friend of the count to be excluded from a conference of suchan important nature. When all had arrived the door was shut, and thecount rose.

  "Comrades," he said in a firm voice, though suppressed, lest he shouldbe heard outside, "our expedition is about to commence in reality:what we have done up to the present is nothing. I have several timessounded, either myself or through my spies, the intentions of therichest hacenderos or campesinos of this State. They seem very welldisposed toward us; but let us not be deceived by fallacious promises.These people will do nothing as long as our expedition does not rest ona solid base of operations; in other words, we must seize on a city. Ifwe succeed, our cause is gained, for the whole country will r
ise for us.I have led you to this place because La Magdalena forms the extremity ofan angle at which three roads debouch, each leading to one of the chiefcities of Sonora; and it is one of those cities we must carry. But whichshall it be? That is the question. All three are crammed with troops:in addition, General Guerrero holds the roads leading to them, and hehas sworn," the count added with a smile, "to make only one mouthful ofus, if we dare to take one step in advance. But that disquiets you butvery slightly, I suppose: let us, therefore, return to the importantquestion. Captain de Laville, be good enough to give us your opinion."

  The captain bowed.

  "I am inclined for Sonora," he said. "It is a new city, I grant, butit bears the name of the country we propose to deliver, and that is animportant consideration."

  Several officers spoke in turn, and the majority ranged themselves onthe side of Captain de Laville. The count then turned to Valentine.

  "And what is your opinion, brother?"

  "Hum!" the hunter said, "I am no great hand at talking, as you know,brother," he answered. "Still I have a certain knowledge of warfare,which may perhaps inspire me rightly. You want a rich and manufacturingcity, in order to protect the opulent inhabitants of the country fromany sudden attack, and whence you can effect your retreat withoutdanger, if too numerous forces try to crush you. Is it not so?"

  "Indeed, the city we seize must combine these three conditions as far aspossible."

  "There is only one which combines them."

  "It is Hermosillo," Belhumeur said.

  "That is true," Valentine went on. "That city is inclosed with walls.It is the _entrepot_ of all the trade of Sonora, and consequently veryrich; and, which is of the last importance to us, it is only fifteenleagues from Guaymas, the port where reinforcements will land comingfrom California, if we require them, and where we can seek a refuge ifwe are compelled to fight our retreat."

  The truth of these words was immediately recognised by the hearers.

  "I am also inclined for Hermosillo," the count said; "but I mustnot conceal from you that General Guerrero, who, after all, is anexperienced soldier, has so well comprehended the advantages which wouldresult to us from the occupation of that city, that he has concentratedimposing forces there."

  "All the better, count!" de Laville exclaimed. "In that way the Mexicanswill learn to know us at the first blow."

  All applauded these words, and it was definitively settled that the_army_ should march on Hermosillo.

  "Another objection," the count said: "the Mexicans are masters of thethree roads. We must put them off the scent."

  "That is my business," Valentine said with a laugh. "Good! we will makedemonstrations on three sides at once, so as to keep the enemy on themove, and we will advance by forced marches on Hermosillo. Still I amafraid we shall lose a heavy number of men."

  Curumilla rose. Up to this moment the Araucano had remained silently ona stool, smoking his Indian calumet, and not seeming to hear what wassaid around him.

  "Let the chief speak," Valentine said; "his words are worth their weightin gold."

  Everyone was silent.

  "Curumilla," the chief said, "knows a crossroad which abridges thedistance, and of which the Mexican general is ignorant. Curumilla willguide his friends."

  The chief then took up his calumet again, and sat down once more asif it were nothing. From this moment the discussion was at an end.Curumilla, according to his custom, had cut the knot by removing themost dangerous obstacle.

  "Comrades," the count said, "the wagons and guns are horsed. Wakeup your men, and break up the camp silently. The inhabitants of LaMagdalena, on getting up tomorrow morning, must not know what has becomeof us."

  Then taking Captain de Laville and Valentine one side,--

  "While I am going along the crossroad under the chiefs guidance, you,captain, will proceed in the direction of Ures; and you, brother, willmarch on Sonora. Get near enough to be seen, but do not engage in anyskirmish; fall back, and join me again at once. We can only conquer ourenemies by the rapidity of our movements."

  "But in case we cannot join you on the road," Valentine objected, "whatplace will you appoint for our meeting?"

  "The Hacienda del Milagro, four leagues from Hermosillo," Belhumeursaid. "Headquarters will be there."

  "Yes," the count said, furtively pressing the Canadian's hand.

  The meeting broke up, and each went to execute the orders he hadreceived. The camp was broken up in the utmost silence, and the mostminute precautions were taken to allow none of the movements totranspire outside. The bivouac fires were left lighted; in short,nothing was touched which could cause any suspicion of a hurrieddeparture.

  At about eleven in the night the two parties, under Valentine andCaptain de Laville, set out in different directions: the count soonfollowed them with the main body and the baggage, so that by midnightthe camp was entirely deserted. Curumilla had not deceived the count.After about two hours' march he made the troops wheel to the right, andentered a narrow path, in which there was just room for the vehicles,and the whole company disappeared in the infinite windings of a truewild beast's track, in which it was impossible to suppose that an armedbody, accompanied by numerous and heavy wagons and field pieces, wouldever venture.

  Still, when the first obstacles were overcome, this road, which appearedso difficult, offered no serious causes for delay, and the Frenchmenpushed on rapidly. Two days after they were rejoined by the detachmentswhich had operated on their flank. Captain de Laville and Valentine hadbeen completely successful in deceiving the general, whose advanced poststill continued to guard the roads, little suspecting that they had beenturned.

  This march lasted nine days, through numberless difficulties, overshifting sand which fled beneath the feet, under a parching heat withno water, and, during the last two days, with no provisions or forage.But nothing could lessen the courage of the men, or destroy theirinexhaustible gaiety: they went on bravely, keeping their eyes fixed ontheir chief, who went on foot before them, consoling and encouragingthem. On the evening of the ninth day they saw in the distance, inthe centre of a well-wooded landscape, the outlines of a considerablehacienda. It was the first house they had come across since leaving LaMagdalena.

  "What hacienda is that?" Don Louis asked Belhumeur, who walked by hisside.

  "The Hacienda del Milagro," the Canadian answered.

  The Frenchmen uttered a shout of joy: they had arrived. They had marchedsixty leagues in nine days, along almost impracticable roads.

  Curumilla had kept his promise. Thanks to him, the column had not beenmolested.