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The Pirates of the Prairies: Adventures in the American Desert Page 11
The Pirates of the Prairies: Adventures in the American Desert Read online
Page 11
The little band galloped silently through one of those primitivelandscapes which owe nothing to art, and whose imposing and grand aspectmakes us understand the infinite power of the Creator, and plunges thesoul into a gentle reverie. It was one of those fresh, but lovely autumnmornings, on which travelling is so pleasant. The sun, gently rising inthe horizon, spread its vivifying heat over nature, which seemed smilingon it. When you look around you in the valleys, all seemed spotted withwhite and blackish gray. The hills bore on their crests enormousmushrooms of granite, which affected the quaintest shapes. The soil ofthese hills was grayish white, and was only covered with a few fadedplants already in seed.
In the plain the vegetation was yellow; here and there in the distance afew male buffaloes were scattered over the prairie like black dots. Theflying locusts, some with brown wings, but the majority of a lightyellow colour, were so numerous, that they literally covered the earth atcertain spots.
At a slight distance off rose the lofty Bears-hand mountain, whose crestwas already covered by a slight layer of snow. The crows formed vastcircles in the air, and the buffaloes, elks, asshatas, and bighorns ranand bounded in every direction, bellowing and lowing.
The pirates, insensible to the charms of the scenery, and having noother moving principle than greed, galloped in the direction of thevillage of the Buffalo tribe, of which Stanapat (the handful of blood)was the Sachem, gradually approaching the banks of the Gila, which wasstill invisible, but whose course could now soon be traced, owing to themass of vapour that rose from its bosom, and floated majestically overit, incessantly drawn up by the sunbeams.
Toward midday the band stopped to let the horses breathe, but, owing tothe impatience of Red Cedar, and specially of the White Gazelle, soonstarted again. After descending a very steep hill, and marching for somedistance in a deep ravine, that formed a species of canyon, the band atlength debouched on the banks of the Gila.
A strange spectacle was the result: on both sides the stream a number ofIndians apparently encamped at the spot, although their village stood alittle distance off at the top of a hill, in accordance with the fashionof the Pueblos, to convert their habitations into little fortresses,were running and seeking in every direction, shrieking, gesticulating,and making the most fearful disturbances.
So soon as they perceived strangers advancing in a straight line towardthem, and not attempting to conceal themselves, but marching in perfectorder, they uttered frenzied yells, and rushed to meet them, brandishingtheir weapons, and making ready for a fight.
"Confound it!" said Sandoval, "the Indians do not seem in a good temper.Perhaps we do wrong in accosting them at this moment: from their presentappearance they may play us a trick, so we will keep on our guard."
"Bah! Let me act. I take everything on myself," Red Cedar answered, withassurance.
"I ask for nothing better, my friend," Sandoval remarked; "do exactlywhat you please; deuce take me if I try to interfere. _Caray_, I knowthose demons too well to get into trouble with them rashly."
"Very good! That is agreed; do not trouble yourself any further."
At a sign from Red Cedar the Pirates stopped, waiting impatiently whatwas going to happen, and resolved, at any rate, with that brutal egotismcharacteristic of scamps of that sort, to remain unmoved spectators.The squatter, not displaying the slightest trepidation, threw back hisrifle on its sling, and taking off his buffalo robe which he wavedbefore him, advanced towards the Apaches.
The latter, seeing the strangers halt with their hands on their guns,and this man advancing alone as ambassador, hesitated for a moment.They formed a group, and consulted; after a hurried deliberation, twomen moved forward, and also waving their buffalo robes, stood about tenpaces in front of the hunter.
"What does my brother want of the warriors of my nation?" one of theIndians said, in a haughty voice; "Does he not know that the hatchet hasbeen dug up between the palefaces and redskins, or has he brought us hisscalp, to save us the trouble of going to fetch it?"
"Is my brother a chief?" the Pirate answered, displaying no emotion.
"I am a chief," the Indian replied--"my brothers call me Black Cat."
"Very good," Red Cedar continued. "I will therefore answer my brotherthat I have known for a long time that the hatchet has been dug up for along time between the 'Great hearts of the East' and the Apaches. As formy scalp, I am weak enough to set an enormous value on it, gray as itis, and I have no intention of letting it be raised."
"In that case my brother acted very imprudently in coming to deliverhimself up."
"The future will prove the truth of that. Will my brother hear thepropositions I am commissioned to make him?"
"My brother can speak, but he must be brief, for my sons are impatient."
"What I have to say only concerns Black Cat."
"My ears are open."
"I have come to offer my brother the help of my comrades and myown--that is to say, the eleven best rifles in the prairie. By thecouncil fire, I will explain to the chiefs what we can do to deliverthem from their implacable enemy, Bloodson."
"Bloodson is a cowardly dog," the chief answered; "the Indian womendespise him. My brother has spoken well, but the whites have a forkedtongue: what proof will my brother give me of his sincerity?"
"This," the Pirate intrepidly answered, as he approached near enough totouch the Indian, "I am Red Cedar, the scalp hunter."
"Wah!" the chief said, his eyes flashing.
The squatter continued, without displaying any emotion--
"I have to avenge myself on Bloodson--to succeed in it I have come toyou, who, till this day, have been my enemies, and on whom I haveinflicted so many injuries, and I place myself in your hands, with mycomrades, frankly and unreservedly, bringing you as proof of mysincerity a skin full of firewater, three plugs of tobacco, and twofemale buffalo-robes, white as the snows of the Bears-hand. My brotherwill decide--I await his answer."
The Indians, who display extraordinary temerity, are good judges ofcourage. A bold action always pleases them, even from an enemy; on theother hand, a present of firewater makes them forget the deepestinsults.
In the meanwhile Black Cat consulted for some minutes with the chief whoaccompanied him. After a very long discussion, cupidity doubtless gainedthe victory in the Apache's mind over the desire for vengeance, as hiscountenance brightened up, and he held out his hand to the squatter,saying--
"The chiefs of my tribe will smoke the calumet with my brother and hiscompanions."
Then, taking off his cap of antelope hide, adorned with feathers, heplaced it himself on Red Cedar's head, adding--"My brother is nowsacred; he and his companions can follow me without fear--no insult willbe offered them."
The Pirates had anxiously watched the phases of this conversation.Though too far off to overhear it, they followed all the gestures of thespeakers. When Black Cat placed his cap on their comrade's head, theyimmediately advanced, without waiting for him to give them the signal.They knew that from this moment they had nothing to fear; but, on thecontrary, they would be treated with the greatest respect and utmostconsideration by all the members of the tribe.
A strange fact, worthy of remark, is the way in which the American racesunderstand and practice hospitality. The most ferocious tribes, andthose most addicted to pillage, respect in the highest degree thestranger who takes a seat at their fire. This man may have killed one ofthe members of the family which shelters him; he may have the mostprecious articles about him, and be alone, but no one will dare toinsult him; everyone will strive to do him all sorts of services, andsupply him with everything that may be useful to him, reserving theright of mercilessly killing him a week later, if they meet him on theprairie.
The Pirates were, consequently, received with open arms by the Apaches;a tent was put up expressly for them, and they were supplied witheverything they could want.
The first care of Red Cedar was to carry out his barga
in with Black Cat,and pay him what he had promised. The chief was delighted; his littleeyes sparkled like carbuncles, he leaped, gesticulated, and was half outof his mind. The squatter had paid him a royal ransom, which he was farfrom expecting ever to receive. Hence he did not leave his new friendagain, whom he overwhelmed with attentions.
When the Pirates had rested and had their food, Red Cedar turned toBlack Cat.
"When the council assembles," he said, "I will point out to the chiefthe spot where Bloodson now is."
"My brother knows it?"
"I suspect it."
"In that case I will warn the _hachesto_, that he may assemble thechiefs round the council fire."
"Why not light the fire here, instead of returning to the village, whichwill occasion a great loss of time?"
"My brother is right," the chief answered.
He rose, and immediately quitted the tent. A few moments after, thehachesto of the hill mounted a species of hillock, and shaking his_chichikoui_ with all his strength, invited the chiefs of the nation toassemble in council. The same announcement was made in the camp on theother side of the Gila.
An hour later, the principal Apache chiefs were crouching round thecouncil fire, lit in the prairie at a short distance from the tent ofthe white men.
At the moment when Black Cat rose and was preparing to utter a fewwords, probably with the intention of explaining the reason of themeeting, a great noise was heard, and a mounted Indian galloped up,shouting--
"The Buffaloes! Stanapat, Stanapat!"
Another Indian arriving at equal speed from the opposite direction,shouted at the same time:
"The Siksekai! The Siksekai!"
"Here are our allies," Black Cat then said; "my sons will prepare toreceive them."
The council was broken up. The warriors hurriedly assembled, formed intwo large bands, flanked on the wings by horsemen, and ranged themselvesfor battle in the two directions indicated by the scouts.
The war detachment of the Buffaloes appeared descending a hill, andadvancing in good order. It was composed of about five hundred warriors,perfectly armed and painted for war, and looking most martial.
A detachment of the Siksekai of about equal strength appearedimmediately after, marching in good order.
So soon as the four Indian bands saw each other, they uttered their warcry, discharged their muskets and brandished their lances, while thehorsemen, starting at full speed, executed the most singular evolutions,rushing on each other as if charging, turning and curvetting round thedetachments which marched on at quick step, singing, shouting, firingtheir guns, rattling their chichikouis, blowing their shells, andincessantly sounding their war whistles.
There was something really imposing in the aspect of these savagewarriors, with their stern faces, clothed in fantastic costumes, andcovered with feathers and hair, which the wind blew in every direction.
When the four parties arrived at a short distance from each other, theystopped and the noise ceased. Then the principal chiefs, holding intheir hand the totem of their tribe, left the ranks, followed by thepipe-bearer, carrying a great sacred calumet; they walked a few pacestoward each other, and planted the totem on their right.
The pipe-bearers filled the calumets, lighted them, bowed to the fourcardinal points, and handed them in turn to the chief, while holding thebowls in their hands, and being careful that no one was passed over.
This preliminary ceremony accomplished, the principal sorcerer of theBuffaloes placed himself between the totems, and turned to the sun.
"Home of light!" he said, "thou who vivifiest everything in nature,servant and visible representative of the Great Invisible Spirit whogoverns the world which he has created, thy children long separated areassembling today to defend their villages and hunting grounds, unjustlyand incessantly attacked by men without faith or country, whom Niang,the Spirit of Evil, has let loose upon them. Smile on their efforts, OSun, and grant them the scalps of their enemies! Grant that they bevictorious, and accept this offering made thee by thy most ferventadorer, to render thee favourable to thy sons, and make thy Apachechildren invincible!"
While uttering these words, he seized a light stone axe hanging at hisgirdle, and placing his left arm on a rock, laid open his wrist with oneblow.
The blood poured profusely from this horrible wound; but the sorcerer,impassive and apparently insensible to pain, drew himself up with an eyeflashing with enthusiasm and religious fanaticism, and shaking his armin every direction, sprinkled the chiefs with his blood, while shoutingin a loud voice:
"Sun, Sun, grant us our enemies, as I have given thee my hand!"
All the Indians repeated the same prayer.
The yells recommenced, and in an instant the redskins, seized with aspirit of frenzy, rushed upon each other, brandishing their weapons tothe sound of the chichikouis and war whistles, and imitating all theevolutions of a real battle.
The sorcerer, still stoical, wrapped up his mutilated arm in grass, andretired with a slow and measured step, saluted on his passage by theIndians whom his action had electrified. When the tumult was slightlycalmed, the chiefs assembled for the second time round the council fire,whose circle had been enlarged to make room for the allies.
The newly arrived warriors were mingled with those of Black Cat, and thegreatest cordiality prevailed among those ferocious men, whose numberamounted at this moment to nearly two thousand, and who only dreamed ofblood, murder, and pillage.
"Confederate sachems of the powerful nation of the Apaches," Stanapatsaid, "you know the cause which once again draws us up arms in handagainst the perfidious white men. It is, therefore, useless to enterinto details you know; still, I believe, that since the hatchet has beendug up, we ought to use it till it is completely blunted. The palefacesdaily invade our territory more and more; they respect none of our laws;they kill us like wild beasts. Let us forget our personal habits for aninstant, to combine against the common foe, that Bloodson, whom thegenius of evil has created for our ruin. If we can manage to remainunited, we shall exterminate him, for we shall be the stronger! When wehave conquered, we will share the spoils of our enemy. I have spoken."
Stanapat sat down again, and Black Cat rose in his turn. "We areunanimous enough to commence the war with advantage; within a few daysother auxiliaries will have found us. Why wait longer? Ten white huntersof the prairies, our allies, offer to surrender to us the den of thelong knives of the East, in which they tell me they have friends. Whatdo we wait for? Let us utter our war cry and start at once; any delaymay be deadly for us, by giving our enemies time to prepare a desperateresistance, against which all our efforts will be broken. Let mybrothers reflect. I have spoken."
"My brother has spoken well," Stanapat answered; "we must fall likelightning on our enemy, who will be terrified by an unexpected attack;but we should not be imprudent. Where are the white hunters?"
"Here," Black Cat replied.
"I ask," the sachem continued, "that they be heard by the council."
The other chiefs bowed their heads in assent, and Black Cat rose andwent to the Pirates, who were impatiently awaiting the result of thedeliberation of the sachems.